
Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2020

Blog 2: My best holidays

Hello everyone, today i'm going to speak about my favorite holidays.  In january of 2017 with a group of friends decided to grab our bagpacks, buy tickets to Temuco and go on a 2 week trip trough La region de los rios. We pass through Villarica, we stayed in licanray, on the sides of the panguipulli lake and the town of Neltume where we camp on the banks of the rio fuy. The group of friends a travel with was 3 girls, one of them was my friend karla, with whom i went to school, the other two girls where friends of karla, from karla's university. but as son as i met them i loved them.  we spend our days on the banks of the lakes and rivers, swiming, smoking, cooking.  It was the best vacation of my life because I had never known southern Chile and did not know how beautiful it was, I had never swum in a lake and I had never seen volcanoes. So it was very impresive to me. besides that my friends were incredible I laughed a lot with them! and we understood each other very well. I r

Blog 1:A country I'd like to visit

When people ask me what country i would like to visit, i think in ecuador. Why? Because it has a wonderful diversity of caracteristics that i love, and a lot of them has relacion with the location of the country  This country is located in the ecuador line, this implied that Ecuador has hot wheather and an amazing jungle. also, andes mountains range runs through that country and the amazonia too. So it has a diversity of diferent landscapes and beautiful places  Ecuador is one of the most biodiverse planet on eath, also, is one of the most preserved country in the world. It has the galapagos islands wich its the second marine reserve on the planet When i go to ecuador i would like to visit every diferent landscape and i would like to finish my journey enjoying a mojito on the beach I just want to go there for vacacions, i wouldnt like to study/work/live there because as a social worker i would like to help resolve social problems in Chile