Social work is a career that has had quite a few changes during its existence, mainly because the career is changing as society changes (and society changes A LOT) we have to undersatand the changes. So in first year we have general courses of sociology, philosofy, social history and fundamentals of social work. Now (in second year) i have courses that are deeper: psychology, epistemology, statistics, social justice, democracy and human rights.
In the subjects in general they make us read a lot of texts and in the evaluations we have to proove that we handle the theory inserted in the texts and we know how to relate this theory with the society we live in. 

In the faculty of social sciences we have classrooms and study rooms with computers, and i think that we don't need anything else to learn. 
in general i really liked the curriculum, every day i learn something new that is defing my intelect, the workload fits me very well because i can work, study and have a little free time. 

However, I think the career lacks application. At first I entered the social work career to be able to solve social problems and now we are only understanding them, I know it is necessary to understand before applying, however I would like to have a subject in which we would go out to work on the field to see social problems with our own eyes. 


  1. I agree with you, I would like that we could relate the theory with the practice or have practical experiences

  2. we must understand and concretely apply what we have learned, knowledge without action is sterile.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. I agree with you! I also like the curriculum, but I'm a little tired of just theory, although I also agree with what Constanza said


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