Blog 5: My future Job

Is really dificult to imagine in what i could work, because im currently cursing second year at college 
In my career (social work) i have two futures in consideracion, one of them is working on an organización whether governmental or not, but its has to be working directly with the people.
my other opcion is keep studying, get magister and doctorate, doing reaserch on feminist social politics and maybe being a teacher in college 
the truth is that i have a third opcion that has nothing to do with my career. I really like to cook vegan food and i sometimes dream about having my own restorant of vegan food, in fact sometimes i sell vegan food in the strets to earn some money 

This tree opcions come to my head right know, it would be ideal if one of them allow me to travel outside and see and study latinoamerican realities. 


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