What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?
Abortion is a very controversial topic, Which is mainly penalized by religious conceptions of what this procedure means.
For me abortion is like a contraceptive method, like birth control pills or condoms, so i think that there should be educacion about it, mainly talking about responsable maternity, having a child should be wanted. It is important that those who do not want to be mothers, don´t be mothers 
I think abortion should be free and safe.

What is your opinion about the Chilean tradition called ‘mechoneo’?
What i know about mechoneo is that consist in making the first-year students go through unpleasant situations, it consist for example on: tearing clothes apart, throw rotten food, take away they're belongings and then charge an amount of money to recover them.
For me this is humiliation and abuse of power hidden because its "funny". Humiliation and abuse is never a reason for fun!!

What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet?
Animals in general are in a very dificult situacion due to capitalist expansion, that abuse of the natural resourses of the earth at the expense of nature where these animals live. So there are many animals that are stripped of their habitats, a lot of them die for not having the conditions that they need to survive. 
I think that having a pet has to have a relation to that. If there are animals that need help for survive, why would you need to have an exotic pet? I think it's a pretty selfish decision to want to buy a pet instead of wanting to rescue an animal that needs to be rescued

What is your opinion about violence on television?
Television has become an educational tool, television is often the only thing that connects people with other realities. Therefore, the content they show on television is very important. Violence is a very delicate subject, but I don't think that television should stop showing violence, since the reality in which we live is violent. However, the violence must be shown with awareness that the person who is seeing is learning from it.


  1. I agree with you about "mechoneo". When I arrived to university I was afraid to live that, I'm glad it didn't happen, I think I haven't missed anything


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