

Social work is a career that has had quite a few changes during its existence, mainly because the career is changing as society changes (and society changes A LOT) we have to undersatand the changes. So in first year we have general courses of sociology, philosofy, social history and fundamentals of social work. Now (in second year) i have courses that are deeper: psychology, epistemology, statistics, social justice, democracy and human rights. In the subjects in general they make us read a lot of texts and in the evaluations we have to proove that we handle the theory inserted in the texts and we know how to relate this theory with the society we live in.  In the faculty of social sciences we have classrooms and study rooms with computers, and i think that we don't need anything else to learn.  in general i really liked the curriculum, every day i learn something new that is defing my intelect, the workload fits me very well because i can work, study and have a little free time. 


What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases? Abortion is a very controversial topic, Which is mainly penalized by religious conceptions of what this procedure means. For me abortion is like a contraceptive method, like birth control pills or condoms, so i think that there should be educacion about it, mainly talking about responsable maternity, having a child should be wanted. It is important that those who do not want to be mothers, don´t be mothers  I think abortion should be free and safe. What is your opinion about the Chilean tradition called ‘mechoneo’? What i know about mechoneo is that consist in making the first-year students go through unpleasant situations, it consist for example on: tearing clothes apart, throw rotten food, take away they're belongings and then charge an amount of money to recover them. For me this is humiliation and abuse of power hidden because its "funny". Humiliation and abuse is never a reason for fun!! What is your opini

Blog 7: Disney/Pixar animated character

It's very dificult to choose a character, since i havent seen a Disney movie in a long time, however thinking and remembering came to may head a disney character that i really like: Kronk from the movie "the emperors new groove"  This character is Yzma's assistant who is the bad guy in the movie, Yzma wants to be empress so she tries to kill Emperor Cuzco with the help of Kronk, however Kronk is not able to do it and ruins Yzma's plan. In fact also (unintentionally) he is the one who defeats Yzma making Cuzco return to the throne. Kronk is an innocent, good-natured, sensitive and clumsy character, he does not see evil in anything, not even in Yzma. He loves to cook (just like me) I think Kronk has the funniest scenes in the movie, his way of seeing life and things is very funny in the context of the movie Kronk also has his own movie, "Kronk’s new groove" where his character develops much more, in fact they tell about his roots. I highlight the simplicit

Blog 6 postgraduate studies

Hello,  its very dificulta to imagine a future where i would want to keep studying,  since I am studying my third degree and I feel that I have been studying for many years,  I am more eager to enter the world of work, since my greatest desire is to be independent and to have my own home.  Now, I imagine two options in which I could continue studying, the first would be that in my postgraduate they paid me a monthly payment, I understand that there are scholarships for postgraduate students in which they pay monthly fees for studying. The other option would be to obtain a postgraduate course that is done outside of working hours, which allows me to study and work at the same time.  Now that I am studying undergraduate I imagine working in places where I can work on gender issues, so if I did a postgraduate degree I would love for it to be addressed, either in public policy with a gender perspective, in social work with a gender perspective, feminist philosophy, feminist history, etc. 

Blog 5: My future Job

Is really dificult to imagine in what i could work, because im currently cursing second year at college  In my career (social work) i have two futures in consideracion, one of them is working on an organización whether governmental or not, but its has to be working directly with the people. my other opcion is keep studying, get magister and doctorate, doing reaserch on feminist social politics and maybe being a teacher in college  the truth is that i have a third opcion that has nothing to do with my career. I really like to cook vegan food and i sometimes dream about having my own restorant of vegan food, in fact sometimes i sell vegan food in the strets to earn some money  This tree opcions come to my head right know, it would be ideal if one of them allow me to travel outside and see and study latinoamerican realities. 

Blog 4: I want to recommend you the book pride and prejudice

Hello, i would like to recommend you the book "pride and prejudice" writed by jane austen in 1813. i really like vintage novels starring women  I like first of all because the meaning that it has to literature and in the pop culture. In that time (when the novel was writed) there was almost none female writers, jane austen was a pioneer, this book in particular was the best first romantic novel of history.  the novel its about a a family that has only daughters. the problem with this is that none of them could receive the property where they lived, reason why if they did not get married they would stay on the street. The five sisters was looking for a husband except for lizzie, the main caracter, that she would only marry for love. At a ball she mets mister Darcy, a millonaire and proud man. The history in unfold between the pride and prejudice that relates the two caracters.  What i like about this novel is the level of depelovement that has the emocions of the characters, e

Blog 3: I want to recomend you the series Anne with an e

i want to talk about the most recent series i´ve seen, the name of it its Anne with an e. the series is an adaptacion of a book called anne of green gables writed in 1908. This story that has more than a hundred years its about an orfan girl that accidently comes to live to a place called green gables, which is located in an island called prince edward island. In the house of mathew and marilla cuthbert a couple of siblings who are nearing the end of their lives so they want to adopt a child, they never imagine they would receive anne, a really special girl that would change their lives completely, and not just their lives, also the lives of the people of the whole town What i love about this series is that it is about a girl, she is the protagonist in the story, she shows a character that is out of stereotypes, she has her own hopes and dreams despite the dificulties she has had to face.  Actually, what makes me fall in love with a series its how its makes me feel, this series makes m